Rural Garbage Service
City Sanitary Service offers weekly pick up for rural areas surrounding Parkersburg, New Hartford, Aplington, Bristow & Kesley. The fee for this service is $21.00 a month. The billing cycle is every 3 months with invoices being sent out at the end of February, May, August, & November.
Construction debris, tires, appliances, paint, motor oil, yard waste, and toxic chemicals cannot be placed with residential garbage. Garbage must be out by 7:00 AM on your pick up day.
Please look for schedule changes on your invoice or on our website and our Facebook page City Sanitary Service LLC. Thanksgiving, and Christmas are the only holidays that DO NOT have garbage service. Garbage service for customers is the day after the holiday with exception to the City of New Hartford which received garbage service the day before Thanksgiving. If you are late putting your garbage out, please contact us immediately and we will work to get it picked up on your normal pick up day. You can contact the office anytime for any questions or concerns by calling (319) 346-1618.
If you wish to start rural garbage service please contact us at (319) 346-1618 or email us at [email protected]
Construction debris, tires, appliances, paint, motor oil, yard waste, and toxic chemicals cannot be placed with residential garbage. Garbage must be out by 7:00 AM on your pick up day.
Please look for schedule changes on your invoice or on our website and our Facebook page City Sanitary Service LLC. Thanksgiving, and Christmas are the only holidays that DO NOT have garbage service. Garbage service for customers is the day after the holiday with exception to the City of New Hartford which received garbage service the day before Thanksgiving. If you are late putting your garbage out, please contact us immediately and we will work to get it picked up on your normal pick up day. You can contact the office anytime for any questions or concerns by calling (319) 346-1618.
If you wish to start rural garbage service please contact us at (319) 346-1618 or email us at [email protected]
Residential Garbage Service
Beginning in July of 2013, residents of Parkersburg, New Hartford, & Aplington will be given 64 gallon residential totes for their garbage. More information on these will be available soon!
Recycling in Parkersburg
Yes we are a garbage business and yes we need people to produce garbage for us to stay in business BUT.... we would LOVE to see as many people recycling as we can! The Recycling Facility in Parkersburg allows residents to recycle cardboard, newspaper, magazines, colored plastics (#2), tin cans, transparent plastics, white paper, junk mail, plastic shopping bags, cooking oil, brown glass, and clear glass. You can also bring your used magazines to the Parkersburg Library where other patrons are able to taken them to enjoy.
If you want to start recycling but are not sure where to start please contact us by emailing [email protected] and we will send you a Guide to Recycling to help get you started.
If you want to start recycling but are not sure where to start please contact us by emailing [email protected] and we will send you a Guide to Recycling to help get you started.